I have been super busy with my real full-time job..End of Year is always hectic for us. It's job security but goodness, it doesn't leave me much time for anything else...like CRAFTING!!!
But not to whine, I have been crafting a little here and there...BUT it's never enough. Oh how I would love to craft daily...all day. What a perfect life that would be.... well back to reality. Mostly I've just been trying to get ready for the holidays. I hope Santa realizes as hard as it has been for me, I've been trying to be good...though he really should define GOOD! Anyway, are you ready for the holidays? Have you finished your shopping? As you can guess, I'm not, but is anyone ever? Seriously? Baahaa!!
I did finally get some fall projects finished. Although I had lots I wanted to do, time only allowed me to get a few done. Importantly one of them was a wedding gift for my son to give to a coworker. Though I haven't heard if she liked it or not, I think that it turned out really cute. I'm going to make one for my household for next year. I might even make a few for my family...we'll see. The other was a gift I made for my mother in law. I had all intentions of giving it to her for Thanksgiving, but I ended up using it to put a plant in and took it to her after her recent surgery as a pick me up. It still provided its purpose, just to brighten her day!

Somehow along the way I found time to try a few new projects and turned them into gifts as well. One of them I made for my friend Kim at work. She recently moved into a new home and I picked her name for our Christmas Luncheon. They are tile coasters. The lighting isn't great but I think you get the idea. I ended up having an actual order placed from a friend for a set. So I'm pretty proud.
My oldest niece, April, just graduated college and passed her certification for teaching. She already has a job and will have her own class beginning January 2016. Big WooHoo for her! So in the middle of all of the holiday bustle we, of course, had to celebrate. There was a party for her and she had a great turn out. These are the items I crafted/gifted for her new kindergarten classroom. They aren't perfect, but I think they turned out cute and they will serve her well.

What are your big holiday plans? This year we're doing some new things with my family (my husband's clan) for Christmas Eve. We usually have a family party/get together with several close friends and neighbors who are always invited. My mother in law has always extended a welcome to anyone who wants to join in the festivities. "The more the merrier!" Anyway..this year we are doing white elephant (where everyone brings a wrapped gift and we do an exchange/game of stealing gifts from each other - similar to "Lets Make a Deal game show concept). We also are going to be playing a variety of dice games and outdoor games like Yard Yahtzee and Corn Hole with all sorts of prizes for the winners. So once I make my Yard Yahtzee I'll post it. All this came thanks to one of my nephew's telling about different things his mom's side of the family does for the holidays and it gave inspiration. We've got such a friendly competitive family. Can't wait to see how this goes. And so far, for my side of the family, I'm not sure what's planned. I'm sure we'll get together, but we all have so many places we have to go, that it just takes a little planning and scheduling to get together. Somewhere between all of this I hope to get in some car riding to see Christmas Light displays. This always gets me giddy like a kid. We are going to try to visit Eulonia, Georgia to see their large light display and maybe try to get to Metter, Georgia to see the light display at Michael Guido Gardens.
Back to crafting...of course, I am still in love with my Silhouette! The more I learn about her, the more I luv her! Don't know how I functioned without her and I can't believe it has taken me this long to realize how great she is! I am always coming up with new projects to make. It's just trying to find the time to do them all. And of course I want everything for me....where am I going to put it all?
On that note, I'm really excited that Terri Johnson is coming to Savannah in January. As a Happy Birthday to me, I signed up for her Silhouette retreat Jan 22 - 24th. I'm looking forward to three whole days of crafting, learning and more crafting. I'm going with one of my newest friends, Kathy, who also has a Silhouette. We tried to get Heather to go (she has a Cricut - :p), maybe we can convince her to be our assistant, we always need assistance!!! True Story!!!! LOL!!! Anyway, you can check out Terri's blog at TerriJohnsonCreates.com. She is really awesome and so knowledgeable. I have learned so much just from her blog. It makes me so happy, happy, happy that I can't wait to see what additional information Terri has to pass on!
Well I've got to run, skip and jump back to my list of things to do, but I'll make sure to share any new projects I get done along the way, as soon as I am able. And if Santa is good to me, which I have a sneaky suspicion he's going to be, I hope to be doing a little embroidery after Christmas too! So of course I'll have those items to share. Fingers crossed!!! Until then, I hope everyone has a great holiday season filled with love, joy and family.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Hanukkah and/or a very Merry Christmas along with a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Lots of Luv and Hugs from my Sew Craft N'Spired life to yours,
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